The following article is reproduced from the Eastside Journal August 24, 1939
"Redmondites were all agog this week, still talking of the bicycle derby, the crowds and the big time that put Redmond into the headlines Saturday. The winners of the ‘round Lake Sammamish bicycle races were richer, the sponsors were proud of their work and everyone in general agreed that this festival should become an annual affair.
"The biggest interest centered in the men’s race which had a prize of $25 at stake. This event was won by Joe Richardson of Redmond, who pedaled around the lake in 1 hour, 30 minutes and 5 seconds a record time for ordinary non-racer bicycles. (You try it if you don't think so!) Second and third prizes were won by George Hauser of Redmond, and Elwood Olsen of Bellevue, respectively.
"In the women’s division (mostly girls, as the men's was mostly youths) first prize went to Eva Jean Prout of Kirkland, who cycled around the course in 1 hour, 46 minutes and 39 seconds. She was followed by Hope Allen of Seattle, second; and Patricia Moore of Harve, Montana, third.
"The kids’ race was an exceptionally fast one – the winner, Earl Birge of Rose Hill, winning with a time of 1 hour, 36 minutes and 3 seconds. William Crowder of Snoqualmie and Stuart Peterson of Redmond were second and third respectively in this event.
"At a special event seven older fellows made up a race partly to see which would win. The antics of these men drew much humorous comment, but the winner, Marshall Carlson, stepped right along to clock the time of 1 hour and 46 minutes.
"During the races a kiddies’ parade passed in review before the spectators lining the streets of Redmond. First prize for costumes and acts went to a group from Campton, who played Indians.
"After the races the crowd was entertained with 15 rounds of boxing by local boys, several tumbling acts by Redmond high school girls, trained last year by Miss Wilson, tap dancing, vocal numbers and several acts by a clown from Issaquah.
"The carnival closed in the evening with street dancing to the tunes of Les LaBrie's orchestra while concession and merry–go–round were humming as they had since early afternoon.
"All in all the affair was a huge success. The original goal of raising money for street decorations was exceeded and other advancements for the town are envisaged with the funds raised."